Practical steps to take before starting the divorce process.
Divorce can be a complicated process that will almost certainly take a financial and emotional toll on all parties involved. The emotional and financial strain of a divorce can be managed if you properly plan for it.
These are our tips to help you in this respect:
Plan for your living arrangements during and after the divorce.
The accommodation of both spouses and their children both during and after a divorce is often one of the most contentious issues in any divorce matter.
Take your time to consider what both you and your spouse will be able to afford and also what will be in your children’s best interest. We encourage you to be realistic and pragmatic when considering this issue.Consider how much money you will need to make ends meet after your divorce.
You will probably be responsible for a whole range of further expenses once the divorce is finalised. As such, carefully plan for these new expenses beforehand. This will also help us or your preferred divorce attorney negotiate for suitable maintenance provisions in your divorce settlement agreement.
Compile a “divorce folder”
It’s often a lot easier to gain access to financial and other personal documents before you inform your spouse that you want a divorce. So start putting a file together with all of the relevant information and documents.
Things you should consider including are bank statements, pension funds statements, a copy of your marriage certificate and antenuptial contract, and receipts for important recurring expenses, like car insurance or school fees.Consider updating your last will and testament
Section 2B of the Wills Act gives a spouse 3 months to update their will after a divorce. If your will still benefits your ex-spouse after this period, then it is assumed that it was your intention to leave your assets to your ex-spouse. As such, it’s prudent to start thinking about who you wish to appoint as your heirs earlier rather than later to avoid a situation where you inadvertently benefit an ex-spouse in your last will and testament.
Find a divorce attorney you can trust
It’s important that you trust your divorce attorney to protect your interests throughout the divorce process. Consider first phoning your prospective divorce attorney to discuss your matter or ask your friends for a referral.